Fall Refresh with Vigoro

*This post is sponsored by The Home Depot 

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Hello everyone! This month we are setting out to refresh the side of our front porch with flowers and plants for the Fall and also add a dry river bed for our downspout drainage. We will be using Vigoro products exclusively sold at The Home Depot. 

Whether it was potting soil, bagged rock, raised planters, or flowers and plants, Vigoro had everything we needed for this project! Vigoro offers total lawn and garden care solutions and is perfect for beginner to novice gardeners! 


Last summer we worked on a project where we buried a few downspouts around our home, and we made an underground draining system to carry most of the rainwater from our gutters into our woods. We did not bury the downspout next to our front porch because that side of our home has a nice slope and has always directed water away from our foundation just fine. However, we now have an idea to make this area a little more pleasant to look at!

I first started by digging out a shallow channel for the water from our downspout to flow down and away from our house. There was already a steady decline in this spot so I just focused on making it a little curvy to hopefully give it a natural look.

After digging the channel, I raked the area so that it was even and smooth. We then laid out the Vigoro Landscape Fabric and secured it to the ground using the Vigoro Fabric and Garden Staples.

The next part was my favorite! We first poured in some Vigoro Bagged Pea Gravel and then added the Bagged Mexican Beach Pebbles. We made sure to keep the concave shape of the channel as we added the pebbles in and just laid out enough to cover the pea gravel. I then added some larger stones we already had on our property and made a border on both sides.

This was my first time using Vigoro Long Leaf Bagged Pine Straw and I greatly appreciated that it was not wet and rotting like some bales of pine straw I have worked with in the past!

I then dug a few holes and planted plants that will be perfect for this area of our home. I used All Purpose Vigoro In-Ground Garden Soil in the ground and then planted a few autumn ferns and hostas. Check out the before and after pictures below, and if you want to see videos of this project, visit my Instagram and TikTok pages!




Having big planters around is such a simple way to bring some beauty and color to any space. We have added a few on our front porch as well as the planters on our patio. If you are wanting to add a planter this Fall, Vigoro sells a large Wooden Barrel Planter and a Stand-Up Steel Raised Garden Planter that would be perfect for any area.

My daughter and I had a great time putting together the Vigoro Stand-Up Steel Raised Garden Planter. You can check my Instagram for a video of how simple it was to put together. This is a great project to do with kids!

After assembly, we laid out the landscape fabric liner it came with and just poured in the All-Purpose Potting Mix. We then mixed in the Vigoro Organic Perlite Soil Amendment and a scoop of the Vigoro All-Purpose Plant Food and then planted a few flowers.

If you are a beginner like me or if you do not have the space for an in-ground garden, then I hope this encourages you by seeing how easy it can be to freshen up an outdoor space and create a designated place to plant flowers or plants.

What do you think? We are thrilled that everything came together so easily and very happy with the various Vigoro products we selected. We were able to spend just a few hours outside and now feel like we are in full swing for this Autumn season!

By the way, if you follow me on my social channels you might remember that this Spring we updated our patio area using Vigoro products. You can find that project linked HERE!

Thanks so much for visiting the blog today! 

Tyson MooreComment